Anti-Bullying Awareness at OLOL

Article & photos by Karina Hunter,
MANITOUWADGE, ON – Friday, January 14th students, staff and parents at Our Lady of Lourdes School celebrated anti-bullying with a number of special events which culminated with fun in the gymnasium during the afternoon.

Throughout the day, activities focused on the theme of anti-bullying took place, students being reminded during each of Our Lady of Lourdes School rules which are the cornerstone of their anti-bullying policy.  The basic rules of anti-bullying at the catholic elementary school include each student’s right to:

  • Be safe,
  • Be treated with respect,
  • Be bully free,
  • Share their feelings and ideas,
  • Agree to disagree,
  • Ask for help,
  • Learn

these important rules were re-iterated at the end of the day by Principal Diane Nelson who also presented the school with a ‘caring tube’.

Principal Diane Nelson shares the new compliment container with her students.

Nelson explained that the note receptacle would be kept in the front lobby of the school where students are encouraged to contribute kind messages for each other including instances they witness of friends helping each other, doing kind actions and promoting anti-bullying or discouraging potential bullying situations among themselves.  Nelson had also credited the students with having participated wholeheartedly in the afternoon’s ‘Graffiti Wall’ ; pink posters covered the gymnasium walls, one for each student on which they had drawn their own name for friends to follow behind and add kind comments and compliments – ‘kind’, ‘good friend’, ‘helpful’, ‘nice person’, and other short phrases were among those that could be read on many of these. Research has often shown that low-self esteem can contribute to bullying as a person attempts to hide their own insecurities by placing them on someone else, no doubt activities like the ‘Graffiti Wall’ are powerful tools in bullying prevention.

Students were given anti-bullying information to bring home to parents from the “Safe Child Program: Bullies Page” published by ‘The Coalition for Children Inc.’ which included information about what bullying is, how to prevent bullying, how to recognize victims of bullying and bulliers and suggestions and strategies for parents to deal with bullying – whether their child is being bullied or is acting like a bully. It is important that parents and caregivers read this information to help prevent or be prepared to help with any bullying scenario.

Congratulations to everyone at Our Lady of Lourdes for their school spirit and enthusiasm throughout the day. Great work every one!

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