Thunder Bay’s David Shannon named to province’s highest honour


Lawyer David Shannon, Photo courtesy

Local lawyer David Shannon’s contributions to human rights and advocacy for people with disabilities will be recognized with Ontario’s highest honour at Queen’s Park this week, MPP Michael Gravelle announced today.


“I wholeheartedly congratulate David on his appointment to the Order of Ontario,” Gravelle remarked.  “David Shannon is a true champion of human rights.  His dedication to inclusion for people with disabilities has helped improve and even transform the lives of so many people in our region.  He leads by example—as his own epic and personal journey to the North Pole exemplified so well—and is an inspiration to all of us.  I’m delighted to see him receive this well-deserved recognition.”

The 30 appointees were chosen for their contributions to the arts, justice, science, medicine, history, politics, philanthropy, and the environment.

David Shannon and 29 other appointees will be invested to the Order of Ontario by Lieutenant Governor David C. Onley at a ceremony to be held Thursday, January 27th at Queen’s Park.

The Order of Ontario was created in 1986 to recognize the highest level of individual excellence and achievement in any field.  Nominations are made by the public, and the deadline for 2012 nominations (when the Order will celebrate its 25th anniversary) close on March 16th

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