Breakfast Club at MPS


Far right volunteers Ed and Linda Hedderson.

MANITOUWADGE, ON – We at MPS are very pleased to be offering our students the opportunity to take part in another  very worthwhile project.  Since we started back after March break there has been a team of well-doers in the building offering a healthy, delicious breakfast to any student who wants one.  These volunteers in this picture, and a team of others, are a part of the Breakfast Club that will be coming into our building every morning before the students arrive to prepare this food.  This means that students who want to have breakfast can come into the school immediately after getting off the bus and eat in the Special Education area.    It has been proven that a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day so we are making  sure our students are starting their day off on the right, healthy track. 

Thank you so much to all of the Breakfast Club volunteers who have opened their hearts to ensure every child enjoys a healthy breakfast!


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