Fun with Fitness – MOTIVATION

Amanda Lyn Mayhew-Hare, Fitness Coach, Model and Motivational Speaker

Have you ever regretted staying bed longer than you should have?  Have you ever said to yourself on a morning where you finally kick you butt out of bed, “Why don’t I do this every morning”?  The air is fresh and clean, the birds are singing, the sun is rising, everything is calm.  Before the hectic day moves its way into your path, try waking up early and enjoying the morning to yourself.  Taking that time to prepare your mind and body for the day. 

Some people embrace the morning hours, others need a reminder as to why they are awake that early.

During the afternoon on a long, busy day at the office, you will be happy that you had that moment in the morning where you took your dog for a walk or jogged around the block before breakfast.  Mornings are a daily beginning, a new chapter.  For myself, I find small goals to challenge myself, to make the mornings even more worth waking up for.  For example; rolling out of bed and performing push ups, then following up with jumping jacks, kick starts my days.  You can often find me walking our black lab, Sierra around town in the morning, it is always nice to have someone who motivates you to be physical, and a dog is a great partner! If you need a phonecall to kick start your morning, I can put you on my wake up list!  Contact me at for your motivation.
Amanda Lynn
Be Real – Be Strong – Be You


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