New Mental Health & Addictions Worker in Pic Mobert

Desmoulin will have a large role in Pic Mobert’s first Matrix Program which they have joined with Pic River to launch. The Matrix program is an Intensive Outpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program that is: Evidence-Based, Community-Based, and Culturally-Adapted for First Nations.

Members of Pic Mobert First Nation which have gone to treatment and are struggling to maintain sobriety; thinking that alcohol, drugs or solvents may be a problem for them; are taking other people’s prescription drugs for their own addiction; have lost their job/children/spouse because of an addiction; are having problems with the law because of addiction; feel addiction is replacing their family/friends; are on methadone but still want treatment; would like to seek treatment but can’t leave their job/home/family may find Matrix is for them and can contact Desmoulin by phone at 822-2625 ext 254 or Jennifer Cooke at 229-1836 ext 604. 

Melissa Desmoulin is also a contact for those seeking more information about the NA meetings held every Tuesday beginning at 6pm at the Pic Mobert Clinic.

Desmoulin is also the band representative sitting on the Board of Directors for Biidaaban Healing Lodge, in her introductory letter to Pic Mobert membership Desmoulin said explained that “I am truly invested in ensuring the continuity of care for people in Pic Mobert First Nation”.

In her efforts to ensure Pic Mobert First Nation is a healthy community, Desmoulin reminds people who attended Residential School that the deadline for the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) is September 2011 and that if you have any questions please contact her.  She is also looking for a list of names of Residential School Survivors or those who have been affected by residential school that are in need of healing or reconciliation and/or are interested in a support group and connecting with other survivors, call her at the aforementioned number.

All Girls ages 9-12 and 13-16 interested in starting a Girls Group o help with self esteem, peer pressure, healthy sexuality, self-care and other important topics should call, or have the their parents call, to express interest.  Desmoulin said that she looked forward to hearing from these girls in the hopes of launching this positive social group.

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