Nipigon/Schreiber OPP Weekend Review

FROM/DE:  Nipigon Detachment                                   DATE: April 18, 2011


NIPIGON, ON –During the weekend of April 15 to April 17, 2011 Nipigon/Schreiber Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to forty four calls for service and issued 54 Provincial Offence Notices.  Officers conducted five R.I.D.E. checks and investigated five motor vehicle collisions.

Sunday April 17 at 2:55 p.m. Nipigon OPP responded to a report of a motor vehicle collision on Hwy 11 at Orient Bay hill, east of Macdiarmid Road.  The driver of an east bound pick up truck lost control on a snow covered section of roadway and was struck by a west bound tractor trailer unit.  The tractor trailer unit was blocking both lanes of traffic when it was struck by an east bound tractor trailer unit.   The motor vehicle collision caused Hwy 11 to be closed for approximately 5 hours.  There were no injuries sustained in the collision. 

The 2011 Spring Seatbelt Campaign is continuing until April 23.  OPP is stepping up enforcement during this time, ensure that as a driver you buckle up first and then ensure your passengers are properly secured.

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