Terrace Bay Downtown Continues

Panorama of Signs May 27

TERRACE BAY, ON – The Terrace Bay Downtown Revitalization Project is nearing completion with some noticeable improvements being completed recently.  

The plaza canopy has had two intersecting blue waves installed to give it a themed look when integrated with the reinstalled commercial signage.  The different sections of the plaza were constructed in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1980s and use a variety of unique building and architectural designs.  The project has been trying to integrate these different layouts into a more themed look to make the plaza more inviting to visitors.  The lighthouse, the centrepiece of the project, is almost complete as well as some minor painting and landscaping has to be completed. 

The contractor is working to finish the lighthouse quickly for it to open to the public soon.  The project is also seeing the planting of a variety of shrubs, flowers, and trees throughout the downtown.  For more information on the Terrace Bay Downtown Revitalization project and a picture gallery, check out www.facebook.com/yourterracebay.

Panorama of Signs May 27

CIBC and Costa's Area May 27

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