Local Input Essential To Crown Land And Road Access Plan


McGuinty Government Explores How Northerners Can Provide Input

Ontario is exploring how people can help shape Crown land and road management across the Northern Ontario.

As a result of the successful Crown Land Use Atlas Harmonization (CLUAH) discussions in the Wawa District, a similar process is being considered throughout Northern Ontario.

The five-year CLUAH planning exercise will ensure that the final plan meets the needs of partners and recognizes broader recreational opportunities. This pilot project brings together representatives from a variety of interests including forestry, mining, tourism, recreation, water power and aggregate industries.

The McGuinty Government wants to ensure community members have the opportunity to provide input in how to harmonize and update land use activities.



  • The province is responsible for managing Ontario’s Crown land under the authority of the Public Lands Act.
  • Parks and Protected Areas, federal and private lands are not subject to this review.
  • Ontario covers more than one million square kilometres – and Crown land makes up about 87 per cent or 937,000 square kilometers of the province’s land mass – an area the size of British Columbia.


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