Social Snowshoe Evening a Success in Marathon

Some of the participants in the Marathon Cross-Country Ski & Snowshoe Club's first social snowshoe evening of 2012. Photo courtesy Kim Ransom

MARATHON, ON – Last night marked the first Social Snowshoeing Evening for the Marathon Cross-Country Skiing and Snowshoeing Club of 2012.  Volunteer Kim Ransom was pleased to report that “we had a great hike”.

Eight ladies attended, six from Marathon and two more from the Pic River Walking Club. “The weather was perfect” said Ransom adding however that “Once in the bush, it never matters how hard the weather is blowing because it is always peaceful and calm when you are on the trails proper”. The ladies from the Pic River walking club arrived too late to join those from Marathon, but bravely headed out on the trails by themselves and came back full of smiles and laughter along with everyone else.

All those involved expressed an interest to participate in a similar evening again soon and perhaps even make it a weekly outing. Anyone interested in joining can send Kim Ransom an email at to be added to her mailing list and be informed of events. “All in all, it was a fun and enjoyable outing for everyone” said Ransom, congratulations to the club on the success of their addition of snowshoeing to the cross-country ski club, this will hopefully help grow the club’s volunteer base and, as seen last night, draw additional interest not just locally but from neighbouring communities as well!


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