Manitouwadge Youth Adventuring in Treetops?

Photography by Vickie Rusard;
Article by Shawna Patterson

Manitouwadge’s Treetop, zip-lining, paintballing adventurers. Photos Vickie Rusard

GOULAIS RIVER, ON – June 2, 2012 a group of 25 youth from Manitouwadge with Community Services Director Dan Deschamps, Community Programmer Shawna Patterson and parent volunteers Vickie Rusard and Kelly Haliski travelled 5 hours by bus to Treetop Adventures for an exciting day of zip-lining, treetop obstacles and paintball adventures.

The youth were divided in two groups, one group using the 400 foot long ,40 foot high, zip-line, while the other made their way though many challenging ,12-30 foot  high, treetop obstacles.  Included among the obstacles were; rock walls, swinging logs, balance beams, tire obstacles and an rope used to swing “Tarzan-style” from one platform to another.  These challenges were difficult but well worth the experience.

The treetop and zip-line challenges were both mentally and physically demanding requiring self-confidence and courage of the participants. Photos Vickie Rusard

Following the zip-lining and treetop obstacles, the kids enjoyed a quick bite to eat before changing into clothes more appropriate for the dirt and mess of the paintball fields.  The staff at Treetop have done amazing work designing the paintball ‘arenas’ which are located in the thick of the bush with many mud holes, boulders and trees for camouflage.  The groups enjoyed a free-for-all in one arena and a game of capture the flag in the other.  Many of the girls in attendance purchased t-shirts which read “If you can’t handle the welts, get out of the woods” a slogan all of them put into practice. Within the first few hits in the paintball games, most had nice welts and bruises to prove it.

Everyone involved had a great time and spent the ride home reminiscing on highlights of their day and comparing their paintball wounds.  The adults and Community Services staff enjoyed taking the youth on this unique trip and agreed that returning annually would be worthwhile.

The Community Services Department has since planned a Minnow Race fundraiser to replace the originally scheduled Drive-through BBQ & Car Wash which had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.  The fundraiser is necessary to assist with payment of the bus used to travel to Goulais River.

The kids and their chaperones look forward to seeing everyone at the Minnow Races as they are eager to share details of their unique trip.

Minnow Races
Saturday, June 23
Noon– 4pm
Golf Course parking lot

Minnows are $5 each and will race in lanes 10 feet long.  The racing will be divided into age categories of those purchasing the minnows with the chance to double the winner’s money if their minnow is the overall winner in the age category.

Shawna Patterson, Community Programmer
Township of Manitouwadge

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