Helping Ontarians Restore Our Water Resources

McGuinty Government Supports Community Efforts

The province is helping communities protect local watersheds and the Great Lakes through the Ontario Community Environment Fund.

Applications are now being accepted for community-based environmental projects that remediate or restore the environment, foster spills preparedness or provide research and education in watersheds where environmental violations have occurred. The funding comes from penalties collected from companies that spill contaminants or otherwise fail to comply with environmental requirements.

These projects will support the goals of Ontario’s proposed Great Lakes Protection Act. The proposed act and accompanying Great Lakes Strategy are designed to empower communities to take an important role in protecting the lakes.

Protecting and restoring Ontario’s water resources and the Great Lakes is part of the McGuinty government’s plan to enhance quality of life for Ontario families and ensure a strong, sustainable economy for future generations.


  • Municipalities, academic institutions, conservation authorities, First Nations and Métis communities and organizations, and other not-for-profit organizations in 14 communities are eligible to apply for Ontario Community Environment Funds.
  • Applications for funding will be accepted until Nov. 7, 2012.
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