NWAC Invites You To Participate In Sisters In Spirit Vigils In MARATHON (Oct.4)

OTTAWA, ON – The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is inviting Canadians to participate in their annual October 4th Sisters In Spirit Vigils, which are taking place across the country and abroad. For the past seven (7) years, the NWAC has designated October 4th as a day to remember and honour the lives of the many missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls as well as to offer support to families who have been tragically touched by the loss of a loved one to violence.

NWAC recently announced that the SIS Vigil movement had surpassed more than 110 vigils to take place from coast-to-coast-to-coast for the 2012 October 4th vigil campaign. In a matter of a few short weeks, that number has grown to 163 SIS Vigils. This year, NWAC is pleased to announce that every province and territory is hosting SIS Vigils.  Vigils are also being held outside of Canada on the Seneca Nation, New York, Los Angeles, California, Los Cruces, New Mexico and another in La Paz, Bolivia.

Vigils take many forms: a rally, a candle-light memorial, a workshop, a moment of silence, a walk, or a gathering of people to share memories and a meal. President Michele Audette declared, “with 163, such a great number of registered Vigils taking place across Turtle Island this year, we hope that local and national media will realize that the SIS Vigils are a movement for social change and should be reported on as being major events by the media.”  She further stated, “NWAC would not have reached this success without the effort, commitment and hard work of the families, our many supporters and the NWAC staff.”

IN MARATHON: Anishinabek Police Service and Trinity Anglican Church jointly host a Vigil  the 4th of October. Our vigil is scheduled to start at 6:30 pm at the Marathon Mall, we will be Marching down Peninsula Rd with a police escort to the Trinity Anglican Church for prayer and remembrance to honour the Missing/Murdered Aboriginal Women. For more info contact Maryann Darling at the APS office 229-2242 (between 8:30am – 4:30pm)

A complete list of the 163 plus SIS Vigils can be found here at http://www.nwac.ca/programs/2012-vigil-locations.  People can also log on to http://www.october4th.ca/ to show their support by lighting a candle on NWAC’s virtual candlelight vigil.

NWAC looks forward to everyone’s involvement and participation in NWAC’s 7th Annual Sisters In Spirit Vigils.

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