Terrace Bay Catholique Schools Collaborate to Sponsor Holy Childhood Day

Fundraising fun, special event sponsored by Terrace Bay's St. Martin School and École Franco-Terrace helps Holy Childhood Association. Photo StMS

Collaboration for a cause, Terrace Bay's St. Martin School and École Franco-Terrace Sponsor the 2012 Holy Childhood Day. Photo StMS

TERRACE BAY, ON – The Holy Childhood Association is a world-wide mission club which began in 1843 and is designed especially for children. Today it is active in more than 120 countries and encourages its members to pray for, learn about and share with other children in need. St. Martin School has been an active member of this organization for many years. As an Advent fundraiser, the students and staff of St. Martin School and École Franco Terrace, sponsor Holy Childhood Day. This is an afternoon of events planned by staff and students, that include: face painting, bake sale, photo booth, juice and games.

Once again this event was a huge success and lots of fun. The money raised will go to the Holy Childhood to be used for literacy, nutrition, health care, meal programs and orphan care around the world. The lives of millions of children have been changed because of the work of the Holy Childhood Association.


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