Great Weather Enjoyed During Opening Weekend at Northshore Ski Hill

Young skier catches big air at Trestle Ridge near Terrace Bay this past weekend. (screencapture from video below)

Chalet at Trestle Ridge Ski Hill, skiers arrive to enjoy a beautiful day Jan 27th. Photo from

TERRACE BAY, ON – There were many happy faces on Saturday January 26th as Trestle Ridge Ski Hill opened for the first time this season.   The large snowfall a week earlier provided a nice base of snow and the dedicated volunteers were out prepping the hill for the kids.

Approximately 50 skiers turned out the first two days which the organizers were quite happy with considering the short notice to open and busy hockey tournament weekend.  Some of the new improvements to the ski hill this year include

  • a fresh paint job on the buildings incorporating the “Terrace Bay blue”,
  • widened runs with some landscaping done in the fall,
  •  improved lighting and phone systems,
  • new rental equipment donated from Mt. St. Louis located near Barrie,
  • increased marketing of the hill.

The Ski Hill is open 12:30pm to 4:30pm on Saturday and Sunday and weather permitting there is Friday/Saturday night skiing from 6:30-9:30pm.  Day passes are $12 for kids 14 and under, and $14 for students/adults, with multiple day passes available at discounted rates.  Rental packages are $10, and resident Steve Coe will be offering lessons to kids with advanced notice.

The ski club executive is happy the hill is finally open and looking forward to a great ski season.  They are looking for adult supervisors to help monitor in the chalet and financial donations are always welcome by the volunteer club.   To reach the ski hill, there is a new phone line in the chalet at 825-4512 or after hours Kathie Shermack can be reached at 825-2792 or

Keep watching for more photos/videos of all the fun and great ski-skills happening at Trestle Ridge Ski Hill. as they are posted to the hill’s official YouTube channel and details of conditions in the ticker on days when the hill is open (schedule to be shared later this week).


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