MPS Artists Express Themselves With Watercolours

Young artists express themselves with watercolours at Manitouwadge Public School. Photos MPS

This young artist focuses intently as she adds details to her masterpiece. Photos MPS

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Look out Rembrandt and Picasso –  Manitouwadge Public School Kindergarten students are on their way!!!!

Mrs. Kuczynski’s class have been working hard, practicing their blending of watercolors to create spectacular art displays that share their point of view.  The young students know that even though ‘they’re just little’, they can (and will) make a big impact on everyone’s future.

Watch for these beautiful masterpieces as they will be displayed as part of the decor in the kindergarten class with some even brightening the walls in various parts of the school.  Art is an expression of self and our little ones have proven to they have plenty to share!

Good job – well done again!

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