“Just Move It” Resistance Band Program’s New Location Well Attended

MANITOUWADGE, ON – The Manitouwadge Diabetes Health and Wellness Program  “Just Move It!” resistance band exercise program has existed for quite some time however, due to lack of space the exercise program, which is open to any Manitouwadge residents, had not been promoted and usually welcomed between 2 to 5 participants per session.

Since March, Jackie Jung, RN CDE, has been working to promote the relocation, as of April 3rd, of the program which is offered in collaboration with the Manitouwadge Family Health Team and the Golden Age Club for people of all physical abilities, to the Golden Age Centre which has significantly more space.  The first session at the new location was held this week and it seems residents are very receptive. An impressive 26 participants turned out to enjoy an hour of resistance band training, led this week by Dietitian Angel Fonseca and Peer Leader Volunteer Barbara Olson.

To celebrate the new location, each week in April the MDHWP’s “Just Move It!” has participation prizes available to win; this week’s winners were Faye Carleton (Cookbook) and  Carol Minty (water bottle).

If you would like to participate sessions are held each Wednesday from 10am to 11am at the Golden Age Centre, resistance bands are available for those who don’t have their own, everyone is welcome and there is no cost to participate.  Get out of the house and try something new just for the health of it – you’ll be glad you did!


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