Terrace Bay Lighthouse and Falls Open for the Season

The two main tourist attractions in Terrace Bay are now officially open for the season.  The Terrace Bay Lighthouse is open from 9am to 9pm daily featured in the middle of Simcoe Plaza.  The Lighthouse draws 10,000 visitors annually and people can climb the stairs and take in the amazing views of Lake Superior and Terrace Bay.  The Municipality is nearing completion on an innovative project to enhance the lighthouse.  In partnership with Parks Canada and Lakehead University, the Lighthouse would have a television and computer featuring a 3d replica of the Slate Islands so visitors could use a joystick to navigate what it would be like hiking the Islands which are 14 kms away … stay tuned for more information.  The Aguasabon Falls is also open and now is the best time to view the incredible waterfall.  The Falls is actually a spillway from the Aguasabon Fall Generating Station operated by Ontario Power Generation and they are currently flowing the water at one of the highest levels in recent years of 215 cm/s.  It is quite the spectacle!  The Aguasabon Falls also features a large parking lot easy maneuvered by RV’s, an accessible boardwalk, a picnic area and outdoor washrooms.  For more information on both, visit www.terracebay.ca and click on the PLAY section.

Video on the Terrace Bay Lighthouse – http://youtu.be/ItdjWjBe-4w

Video on the Aguasabon Falls – http://youtu.be/wyDWGJqpUqw

Aguasabon Falls May 10, 2013



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