Premier’s Statement on National Aboriginal Day

Premer Kathleen Wynne

Premer Kathleen Wynne

Today, Premier Kathleen Wynne released the following statement:

“I want to wish the people of Ontario a happy National Aboriginal Day.

This day is a unique opportunity to honour the cultures that are such a fundamental part of our history and the fabric of our province.

Ontario is home to more than 300,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, and the Aboriginal population is one of the fastest-growing and youngest demographics. Aboriginal youth are integral to Ontario’s future. We will ensure that all young people in this province have access to the same opportunities, no matter where they live.

My government is committed to forging a better relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Métis people across Ontario. We will continue to prioritize a spirit of understanding and respect. We will send the message that Ontario values these friendships.

I hope that everyone enjoys the vibrant National Aboriginal Day celebrations happening across the province today. Meegwetch.”

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