Forest Fire Situation Update Northeast Region

forestfireNew Fires

Forest fire activity remains slow with no fires currently active. The Northeast Region has not had a new fire start since September 2.

To date this season, 171 fires have been confirmed, burning a total of 4,166 ha of land.

Fire Hazard

The fire danger rating for the region is low today. Expect the danger rating to remain low to moderate throughout the week.

Be FireSmart!

Did you know? About 200,000 hectares of forest are burned each year and forest fires can cost millions of dollars to put out. Often, unattended campfires are the cause.

If you’re going camping and plan to have a campfire, please ensure you build a safe campfire. Keep your campfire small, have water nearby and never leave it unattended. Once you are finished, make sure your campfire is completely extinguished.

Under the Forest Fires Prevention Act (FFPA), if you start a wildfire, you could be held liable for the costs of suppressing the fire.

Report forest fires north of the French and Mattawa rivers by calling 310-FIRE (3473). In southern regions, forest fires can be reported by calling your local fire department.

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