325,000 Ontarians Could Pay More for Hydro with Ford Change

QUEEN’S PARK, ON — NDP Energy and Climate change critic Peter Tabuns issued the following statement:

“Doug Ford is allowing electricity sub-metering corporations to profit even more off the backs of Ontario renters and condo residents by scrapping a key hydro protection.

Ford is plowing ahead with his plan to remove protections that prevent sub-metering companies from charging whatever they want to the 325,000 Ontarians who are using sub-metering services.

People who rent in buildings and who live in condos will now be worrying about extra service charges or delivery charges.

Ontarians are paying sky high hydro rates as part of the Liberal legacy,  and now under Doug Ford they will be paying even more as he deregulates the electricity industry, and shifts more costs onto everyday families.

New Democrats will be fighting this latest move by Doug Ford to hurt Ontarians that is forcing them to pay even more with runaway hydro bills.”

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