‘Carol en Contemplation’ Information

Canadian Internet and Cell Costs High By Global Standars says Hughes

Canadian Internet and Cell Costs High By Global Standars says Hughes

Version française ci-dessous The internet and cell phones are great conveniences that have become integral parts of our daily lives.  While we may struggle with connectivity and capacity issues in the north, there is little doubt that this technology has transformed our ability to [Read more]

Community Reeling from Tragic Loss of Couple (français inclus)

Community Reeling from Tragic Loss of Couple (français inclus)

KAPUSKASING, ON – The search for the helicopter carrying Jody and Nicole Blais ended in tragedy yesterday when the crash site was located in a wooded area west of Timmins. The tragedy has united Kapuskasing and area residents in grief according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes [Read more]

‘Pharmacare Can’t Suffer Same Fate As Electoral Reform’ Says Hughes (Français inclus)

‘Pharmacare Can’t Suffer Same Fate As Electoral Reform’ Says Hughes (Français inclus)

Version française ci-dessous It’s no secret that the cost of just getting by is going up for Canadians.  Even when we find a little relief on one front, it seems there is another way to make life more expensive to counteract that.  That’s why more than half of Canadians are $200 or [Read more]

Canada Food Guide gets a makeover/ Le Guide alimentaire canadien fait peau neuve

Canada Food Guide gets a makeover/ Le Guide alimentaire canadien fait peau neuve

The long awaited update to the Canada Food Guide has arrived and it bears little resemblance to its predecessor.  In many ways the guide is catching up to the leaps in research that have increasingly singled out highly processed food and sugar as drivers of the obesity epidemic and the growth in [Read more]

MP Carol Hughes: “We can’t abandon safeguards in the justice system” (Français inclus)

MP Carol Hughes: “We can’t abandon safeguards in the justice system” (Français inclus)

Like so many others, I was deeply saddened to learn the details of Tori Stafford’s tragic demise ten years ago when news coverage of her disappearance, murder, and the subsequent trial of Terri-Lynne McClintic and her accomplice shook Canadians to their foundation.  This autumn, we learned [Read more]

Veterans Affairs Funding A No-brainer Says Hughes

Veterans Affairs Funding A No-brainer Says Hughes

Canada just marked Remembrance Day, an occasion where we show our support and commitment to the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country. Despite that sentiment, political promises made to veterans do not always translate into action.  That has been the case for [Read more]

MP Carol Hughes Says Questions Remain with Legalization of Cannabis (français inclus)

MP Carol Hughes Says Questions Remain with Legalization of Cannabis (français inclus)

Version française ci-dessous This week recreational cannabis became legal in Canada, and while many activists have waited for this moment, there are still a number of related issues that will preoccupy legislators, law enforcement officials, the courts, and citizens for some time.  Like alcohol, [Read more]

MPP Carol Hughes: ‘New USMCA will replace NAFTA but did we surrender too much?’

MPP Carol Hughes: ‘New USMCA will replace NAFTA but did we surrender too much?’

Version française ci-dessous Early last month I wrote that the NAFTA negotiations could result in a similar deal that sports a new name.  That happened over the last weekend and while there is a long way to go to ratify the United States, Mexico, Canada Accord, a deal is in place.  The results [Read more]

Hughes Pays Tribute to Mayor Austin Hunt

Hughes Pays Tribute to Mayor Austin Hunt

OTTAWA, ON –   When you are able to retire as the longest-serving politician in Canada it’s because of hard work and putting your community’s interests first, according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, MP Carol Hughes. Hughes paid tribute to Billings Township Mayor, Austin Hunt who is not [Read more]

Don’t let the Great Lakes become the next Great Garbage Patch (Français inclus)

Don’t let the Great Lakes become the next Great Garbage Patch (Français inclus)

You may have seen in the news recently that a man has set out on a six month journey to swim across the Pacific Ocean. He will be swimming through what is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, an area of accumulated waste three times the size of France, to bring attention to the [Read more]

Mme Hughes félicite les électeurs

Mme Hughes félicite les électeurs

ELLIOT LAKE, ON – Carol Hughes envoie son message d’appréciation et de félicitations aux électeurs après sa réélection à la circonscription d’Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing.  La députée néo-démocrate est enthousiasmée par le montant d’électeurs qui, lundi, se sont rendus aux [Read more]

«Les soins de santé pourraient ne plus être viables» dit Députée Carol Hughes

«Les soins de santé pourraient ne plus être viables» dit Députée Carol Hughes

Le Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget (DPB) a publié un rapport qui explique le coût de l’élimination du déficit fédéral au Canada, rapport qui ne plaira pas à de nombreux Canadiens, en particulier les jeunes. Selon le DPB, la dette fédérale sera éliminée d’ici 35 ans, mais [Read more]

Le ministre des Finances n’est pas d’accord avec un de ses anciens employeurs

Le ministre des Finances n’est pas d’accord avec un de ses anciens employeurs

Sommes‑nous en récession ou pas? Cette question a fait les manchettes dans les médias cette semaine; et pendant ce temps-là, le gouvernement tente de limiter les dégâts dans un domaine où il ne veut surtout pas montrer ses faiblesses : l’économie. On dit qu’il y a récession quand on [Read more]

Ce qui nuit au secteur agricole du Nord de l’Ontario

Ce qui nuit au secteur agricole du Nord de l’Ontario

Va-t-on sacrifier nos producteurs agricoles comme on l’a fait avec notre secteur manufacturier? Le sprint final est amorcé pour conclure les négociations du Partenariat transpacifique (PTP), mais la conclusion à la hâte de cet accord commercial pourrait bien nuire au secteur agricole en [Read more]

L’auto-administration du Sénat : un échec

L’auto-administration du Sénat : un échec

Le vérificateur général recommande à la GRC de faire enquête sur les dépenses de neuf autres sénateurs et reproche à 21 autres d’avoir fait mauvais usage de leur budget de bureau. Ce constat survient au beau milieu du procès de Mike Duffy, qui alimente déjà l’hostilité du pays à [Read more]

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