‘homeschool’ Information



This is one of the many beautiful gifts Emeraude received for her birthday. It was completely age appropriate and she very much enjoyed painting it. We let it dry over night and it now hangs proudly in her bedroom window. [Read more]

Birthday Piñata – Part two

Birthday Piñata – Part two

Original post (includes recipe for paste) CLICK HERE. . [Read more]

Gardening update

Gardening update

Well, our indoor garden (started to be ready for transplant when summer is officially here) continues to progress. Emeraude is so impressed at being able to eat from her plants already. Les haricots sont rendus tellement gros! Elle comprend maintenant que si ont les laisse pousser sa vaux la penne [Read more]

Birthday Piñata

Birthday Piñata

Saturday, we begun working on yet another piñata! Emeraude is a HUGE fan of piñatas, and any occasion will do – we made our 1st (I think) at Christmas for her Nursery School and then another at Easter. After much debate over the past few weeks, Emeraude finally decided that this one would [Read more]

Cupcakes for party

Cupcakes for party

I got the idea for these cupcakes from MarthaStewart.com and Emeraude was very excited about it. I was unable to find shoestring licorice, or anything similar, for antennas and am hoping that we figure something out for the 2nd half which we hope to share when iced. We opted to use a mix for the [Read more]

Mangeoire d’oiseaux – Family Place

Baking – May 25th

Baking – May 25th

Carrott pecan cupcakes & Carrott raising cupcakes Mmmm! We iced them different colours to tell which were which (pain, pecan or raisin) and then shared a bunch at the hospital, a few with Vickie, a few with Mom & Dad and brought some (not pecan) to the family place on Tuesday. Didn’t [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Homeschool – Fine motor development

Homeschool – Fine motor development

 Pipe Cleaner Fun  This afternoon, when Emeraude would normally take her nap, we settled on my bed with a mountain of pipe cleaners and worked on the craft I had found from MarthaStewart.com the other day.  The instructions were very clear, definitely a fine motor development activity, and tons [Read more]

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  [Read more]

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |marthastewart.com

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |marthastewart.com

Pipe Cleaner Creatures and more creative crafts projects, templates, tips, clip-art, patterns, and ideas on marthastewart.com. Emeraude and I are going to try these this afternoon & we will post our creations afterwards. For now I hope these will inpire you, instructions can be found at the [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

This is a really easy one. Be careful of course with the kettle… You can add almost any fruit to Jell-O but pineapple and, hmmm… I forget the other but they are listed on the box.  We were making strawberry jelly and opted to add sliced bananas in ½ the batch and fruit cups (x2) [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

may 12 2009

may 12 2009

Posting photos for now, will try and fill in the story later as time permits (and pain levels… having a worse than usual day for pain). [Read more]

Aguasabond Gorge

Aguasabond Gorge

Lloyd had to piggy-back me back up to the parking lot. He is so strong and I am always amazed at how easily he seems to carry me (I do weigh almost 130lbs!) as well as how willingly he does so. What a gentleman [Read more]

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