Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Thanks to Lloyd for this photo.

Thanks to Lloyd for this photo.

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  Here are the photos from our progress on the toilet paper puppets…

This is the 2nd time we have made these, (we’ve made other t.p. crafts but only puppets one other time) and we continued with our first theme which was characters from the circus. We had made a RingMaster with a printout template that we wrapped around the t.p.roll and a bear that we did on our own with pompoms…

0169-16_05_2009TONIGHT, I did not realize at first that we were still on our circus theme and decided on a suprise for Emeraude (robots come up fairly often in our play and one of her favourite books is a Backyardigans book about 2 of them as robots and 2 as ‘space cops’) and made a robot that Lloyd completed with some google eyes as I left for a ride to the hospital for pain meds; Emeraude painted her ‘first coat’ on 3 t.p.rolls which she said were: a tiger, an elephant and … srry, I forget the last one. She continued after painting adding other craft materials and said that tomorrow she would add toilet paper or paper towels and then another coat of paint.

The robot I made for Emeraude (with Lloyd's assistance for the eyes). It was alot harder to make than it looks lol. The head was assembled from 3 squares of a card stock type paper and wrapped with the mettalic paper to 'box' it. The screw started out as ears (it was actually 2 shorter screws then) that were decorative but I had to move them down and use a longer screw to hold his head on... The cool 'fancy' (what Emeraude calls it) pipe cleaner that is his attena and ear trimming is from the craft supplies Nonnie sent us :) I think I will probably add more elements to his face when we craft tomorrow lol.

The robot I made for Emeraude (with Lloyd's assistance for the eyes). It was alot harder to make than it looks lol. The head was assembled from 3 squares of a card stock type paper and wrapped with the mettalic paper to 'box' it. The screw started out as ears (it was actually 2 shorter screws then) that were decorative but I had to move them down and use a longer screw to hold his head on... The cool 'fancy' (what Emeraude calls it) pipe cleaner that is his attena and ear trimming is from the craft supplies Nonnie sent us 🙂 I think I will probably add more elements to his face when we craft tomorrow lol.

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