Posts Tagged ‘siblings’

Plan your winter adventure!

Plan your winter adventure!

  FIVE FAVOURITE TRAILS – OFSC District 16 by Karina Hunter Planning to tour the Northshore via snowmobile this winter? Be sure to include my Five Favourite Trails of the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) District 16, also known as North Superior Snowmobile Association (NOSSA) in [Read more]

Sledding Siblings

Sledding Siblings

Lloyd taking little Sis out for a snowmobile ride.                CLICK HERE for information on the snowmobile loops we access from our doorstep in MANITOUWADGE, Ontario. Read about my snowmobiling adventures in Michigan Snowmobiler Magazine, get your subscription today! Ontario Federation [Read more]

Baking – May 25th

Baking – May 25th

Carrott pecan cupcakes & Carrott raising cupcakes Mmmm! We iced them different colours to tell which were which (pain, pecan or raisin) and then shared a bunch at the hospital, a few with Vickie, a few with Mom & Dad and brought some (not pecan) to the family place on Tuesday. Didn’t [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

We went to the playground behind Graham (street) tonight and had a blast. We laughed too hard, played shark (some of that in the photos), boating, loved every minute of the silliness! Both the kids were so much fun. We went to the Petro after and bought gummy bear twisters (Lloyd & Emeraude) [Read more]

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]



Sometimes, by the end of the day, the times for my injections can become quite inconvenient for both Vickie, who was driving me on this day, and the kids… Emeraude’s bedtime is 19h30 and Lloyd had plans for skateboarding and checking spring clean up piles with friends.  I am still so [Read more]

Hotel Fun

Hotel Fun

Once I was in, although it hurt at first (very painful pins and needles, much more pronouced and sharper then the kind of pins & needles you might feel when your foot falls asleep) and my skin felt very uncomfortable, the heat went deep to make the pain back off somewhat or as they describe it in [Read more]

Aguasabond Gorge

Aguasabond Gorge

Lloyd had to piggy-back me back up to the parking lot. He is so strong and I am always amazed at how easily he seems to carry me (I do weigh almost 130lbs!) as well as how willingly he does so. What a gentleman [Read more]

Homeschool – Natural Science

Homeschool – Natural Science

Emeraude then put the millipede gently into the ‘bug trap’ as Lloyd explained to her that they needed to add some natural elements to the cage... [Read more]

Preparing for T.Bay @ MGH

Preparing for T.Bay @ MGH

I hoped to have Lloyd get his cast removed before leaving for Thunder Bay. Sunday I was going to bring him in but the nurse on emergency recommended that he wait to have it removed until an x-ray could be done as follow up during the same visit (makes good sense but I didn’t think [Read more]

Sk8tr Girl

Sk8tr Girl

proud memories of being a little girl and my Dad coming home from work sweeping our street so that I could roller skate - without getting tripped up by rocks. [Read more]

spring fun!

spring fun!

It is great to see just how much she trusts him, Emeraude began feeling weary of swinging last summer...much more impressive when she kept asking to sit on Lloyd so he could pump them so hard they were up side down ... [Read more]

Manitouwadge Nursery School – Homework

Manitouwadge Nursery School – Homework

A couple weeks ago, Emeraude brought home a ‘dinosaur egg’ she had made at Nursery School (Her teacher,  Nickie is wonderful. Obviously called to hr work and constantly finding great, creative, imaginative crafts to do with the kids). The egg had instructions to ‘let dry for 5 [Read more]

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