Yet another free ride…

Couldn’t wait to post my update on MS happenings for the week after this morning I received yet another free ride from yet another new driver…

As Vickie, who became my angel in past weeks driving me constantly, not only to the hospital here in town 3 and 4 times a day but even to Thunder Bay for three days (a couple weeks ago when I had an appointment with a specialist) has gone to visit her eldest daughter, I have gone back to too many taxis, calling my parents and looking for rides.  Well, this week I took up Pauline Dean on her offer of calling when I needed to go to the hospital and was pleasently surprised when she came to pick me up inspite of it being after 20h and waited for me, returning me home afterwards (it is always nice to drive with Pauline as she is super active with local seniors clubs and has plenty of things to talk about).

This morning, I went to the Petro Canada and was expecting to have to come back home and either call a cab (I was dreading this as I have not had good luck at the Emergency lately and our cabs, which don’t have fare meters, can only wait so long before they have to go and then I end up paying $16 when I call them to return home again. This morning, I was lucky when the owner himself came to pick me up and inspite of waiting 30 minutes before finally leaving and then returning to pick me up, he charged me for a stop rather than 2 trips saving me $6 off the fare which helps alot – it still cost me $10 and this, with 4 trips/day or more, adds up quickly so I really appreciated him giving me a deal) or bother my parents, if available, to bring me. Well I was just about to leave when Lori (who worked at the ski hill this winter) was going in and so I got up the nerve to ask if she was free and driving. She was! She said she didn’t mind at all and that we could go right away (thankfully as I was already past due for my injection), I assured her that I was just getting an injection and had a standing order from my doctor so I should be in & out.

We had to go by my house first and so we arrived at 10h45, exactly when I could get the next injection.  Unfortunately, as has been my luck lately, we didn’t get out of there until 11h30 but Lori was awesome!  Reasurring me, when I had gone outside to explain that if she had to go it was understandable (she hadn’t signed up to loose an hour of her morning),  that she was still going to wait and then being super cheery when I did finally get out. It really was so nice that she had been able to give me a ride and then had waited so patiently and been so understanding about it, I said a little prayer of thanks to God for having sent me yet another driving angel.

People like that do alot to keep my spirits up and brighten my day & I really needed some brightening as I have spent WAY too much time at the hospital this week and lost WAY too much time with my kids!!!  The stress I have dealt with this week has worsened my symptoms; I am now dealing with sleep problems, fatigue and increased pain. Fatigue of course steals more hours from my day which is already cut short by hospital visits…

THANK YOU, to all the people who make my life a little easier with their generosity and helpfulness!!

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