Posts Tagged ‘children’

Gardening 03.28.09

Gardening 03.28.09

It was a crazy day but before Emeraude was to head to her Dad’s I thought we could do a little gardening. Our beans (haricots) grew like CRAZY and I knew she would enjoy transplanting them and getting a look at the roots. Emeraude found a few beans that were just barely germinating and this [Read more]



Well, my treatment was definitely successful…I’ve been scared too say that, scared to jinx it, scared that I might be wrong and have it fade after just a day or two but it would seem that I am free – for now. Last night I even went in for a shot of Dilaudid, partly worried [Read more]

Beading with Emeraude

Beading with Emeraude

Great morning with my girl. Happy to be getting our mornings back somewhat (result of solumedrol I think). We started out making ‘soup’ and recipes with the beads and too many bowls/ladels/potato masher lol and then switched to some bracelets. Emeraude began working on a necklace for [Read more]

MS Treatment – Solumedrol Day 5

MS Treatment – Solumedrol Day 5

Last night… Thought we’d go in at a decent time tonight as I have messed up Lloyd & Emeraude’s evenings/bedtimes during this whole treatment. Lloyd has badminton and so Emeraude came with me to MGH and I hoped to get her some supper at the cafeteria between IM Toredol and the [Read more]

Skiing @ Kiwissa 03.22.09

Skiing @ Kiwissa 03.22.09

What a wonderful day! When we first arrived, I realized that the mittens Emeraude had werestill wet and Danile offered to come back to my (the kids) house and pick up a dry pair so Emeraude went along. I sat there for a while waiting before realizing this was my opportunity to go up on [Read more]

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

After 2 hours of arguing with Dr.Crawford about increasing my pain meds, the discussion turned to Tuesday’s (tomorrow) appointment and that I was hoping to suggest giving my IV Solumedrol treatments again (they failed in January but that was a full 3 months ago and my body might have lost [Read more]

Another Gardening update…

Another Gardening update…

Some of the other seeds are finally coming up. The only ones still hiding are the parsnips.  Wondering what to do about the ‘greenhouse’ lids with the peas touching the top, I don’t want her healthy sprouts to start leaning over but worry if I take it off the ones that still need [Read more]

MS Frustrations – 03.21.09

It was only a matter of time apparently before Dr.Crawford would be influenced by others at the hospital in this  ridiculous idea that I should only be allowed pain relief for certain amounts of time and then it’s just too bad so sad, deal with it.  Or at lest that is the only thing I can [Read more]

March Break

March Break

Well, Emeraude & I went sliding again today. It was AWESOME! So warm out we had a ton of fun (+ 1 crash which I survived suprisingly well lol). Lloyd is still sick, this morning it almost seemed like he was still getting worse which was really worrysome. I’m still not feeling very [Read more]

March Break – Gardening

March Break – Gardening

Emeraude & I began our gardening today (March 16,09). Last year we started all the veggies & flowers early indoors as well but I got over eager and we transplanted them outside too early – they froze and her beautiful healthy plants were mostly demolished (check my facebook page or [Read more]

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

I was inspired this Friday morning when picking up Emeraude from Nursery School to attempt this craft. Nikki, her N.School teacher was kind enough to spare some blue cellophane which really is a nice touch. Emeraude had made other water themed crafts at school that morning which included a sensory [Read more]

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Homeschool – Snow Science = FUN!

Monday  I decided to keep it simple. Lloyd was nice enough to realize we were loosing our day and after badminton he became a chef. When we came in from collecting our snow and before starting our experiments we were able to sit down at the table as Lloyd had even set the table perfectly in [Read more]

March 11. Snowshoeing Struggles

March 11. Snowshoeing Struggles

Emeraude is resting for 1/2 hour to give me a chance to build up a little energy… It’s a really bad day, more fatigue than I have dealt with in a long time, I think there may be stress factors contributing to this situation, hopefully some fresh air fun with my girl will help with [Read more]

My Favourite Nurse

My Favourite Nurse

Th kids are great about understanding when they need to accompany me sometimes on my hospital visits. Last Friday Lloyd was AWESOME as he had come with his sister at lunch (we had picked her up from school so it was just faster for them if we went straight to the hospital before going home [Read more]

Babysitter Blues…

What a bummer. The lady who I had believed was going to be Emeraude’s regular babysitter for play time, at least while I am  less physically able,  and who  babysat Emeraude last week for her outside play time and to bring her back & forth to skating (3-5pm mon-fri) will not be [Read more]

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