Posts Tagged ‘IV Solumedrol’

Dreamcatcher – Step One – April 22

Dreamcatcher – Step One – April 22

At bedtime, before our story, we decided to begin working on our dreamcatcher.  The materials included in the kit are quite nice and seem plentiful (it can be aggravating when craft kits are skimpy on quantity of supplies).  Tonight is also my last IV Solumedrol treatment (5 of 5) and although I [Read more]

Solumedrol, Day four…video post

On a different note, I was advised today that my readership included a group I was not previously aware of. Apparently there are some among the staff @ MGH (our local hospital) who are fond (or perhaps that's not quite the right word lol) let's say who have noticed my blog. Apparently some are [Read more]

Living – April 21

Living – April 21

Ok, another very busy day (in spite of having less than adequate supplies of energy). The kids were a huge help. So was Vickie as she has been ever since my symptoms began coming back with a vengeance last week. She goes beyond giving me rides to the hospital and has been calling to arrange [Read more]

Generosity. Blessings. Pain. Frustration.

I finally took up the offer of yet another very kind lady who had given me her phone number during the bad months at the beginning of the year when I was going to the hospital in way too many taxis.  I felt a little odd calling someone I don’t know for a ride but [Read more]

Living with MS

Well, I think it’s time for another IV Solumedrol treatment. Sunday I went for my first dilaudid injection in weeks (since the last steroid treatment at the end of March) and I have returned again yesterday and then again today. I have a lot of bone and joint pain and am feeling fatigue, [Read more]

more pinating…

more pinating…

and then POW!! right out of the blue as Emeraude & I were making snack this morning the  balloon in the pinata pops! only problem is that we hadn’t yet gone high enough up the balloon so we put  a new one in and blew it up again until it filled out the shell of [Read more]

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

After 2 hours of arguing with Dr.Crawford about increasing my pain meds, the discussion turned to Tuesday’s (tomorrow) appointment and that I was hoping to suggest giving my IV Solumedrol treatments again (they failed in January but that was a full 3 months ago and my body might have lost [Read more]

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