more pinating…

and then


after the balloon popped...

after the balloon popped...

right out of the blue as Emeraude & I were making snack this morning the

 balloon in the pinata pops! only problem is that we hadn’t yet gone high enough up the balloon so we put  a new one in and blew it up again until it filled out the shell of the pinata (we had purposely kept the 1st layer very thin to avoid drying problem) so that later we were able to add our string (this has to be done AFTER the first layer or it wouldn’t be structurarlly sound and could let the whole thing fall before being broken which we don’t want with little ones whacking at it).

Emeraude’s teacher left us a thumbs up (I’ll need to show her tomorrow, she’ll be tickled as contrary to Facebook where she sees replies and therefore knows ppl are reading, she isn’t sure about the validity of my insistence that we have readers here lol) about bringing it to school – thank goodness… I was a little worried about ‘what if’ and the possibility that she would say there was no time for it that morning or they just preferred not to have that type of activity and then Emeraude would not have been happy with me (I’m usually much more careful about this sort of thing and so was stressing about it quite abit until seeing the msg).

Lloyd leaves at 5h30 tomorrow for NSSSAA badminton in Wawa. I hate him being on the hwy, I don’t like school buses and there lack of seatbelts but am excited for him. He’s really looking forward to the competition, seeing another school in Wawa (he’s never been to this one) and the possibility of qualifying for NWOSSA. I hope he has a wonderful day and everything goes well.

My ‘a’ key is messed up on my computer… the actual physical piece is

 hanging and hard to use (my ‘e’ went out last month) and so I will keep this short having no patience left today for such nonsense.

Progress is happening on getting things together and closer to being sent to Second Story Publishing. I wrote the letter for our post master (she’s a woman and so does that make her post mistress?) today requesting a visit to the post office (also intended for the Emeraude Exploring books or I’m sure we could’ve just had a regular visit but because I’ll be taking photos and don’t want to get anyone in trouble). letter to post office:check (Emeraude loves when we go through our tasks verbally, saying “check” as we’ve accomplished each) I also finished turning Emeraude Exploring: The Dentist into a PDF as I thought it may help to include a copy with the post office letter as well as having it in case Second Story falls through to facilitate writing to other publishers… I am submitting a printed copy to them but cannot afford to do that more than just to them as it was VERY pricey! (thanks for your help Mom!)

That leaves the actual letter to the publishing house to write… I am hoping that when I get something half-way intelligent begun, I will be able to bring it to our EDC office for help from Karin, the administrative assistant. I know usually an edc office will help with business related things and this isn’t so much business as it is employment but i’m hoping they can still help me put it together (I’m just really having trouble getting it started).  I wish I could just fast fwd to the part where I’ve been accepted by the publishing house and need to work on our books and submitting each on time… *sigh* in any case it seems to be moving forward a little finally so I am encouraged by that.

On my tasks of getting my house back in order after almost 4 months out of comission, I got the oven cleaned today (yes, like normal ppl this is USUALLY a monthly task but when it has not been done in so long – prior to Christmas at least – it’s a real chore!) and so was feeling like progress was happening there too.  Still seemingly doing well from the steroids (although they caused me to have acne on my face like I have n ever had in my life – gross!). pain is within reason and I am not exactly a ball of energy physically but defenitely much better than the fatigue prior to the solumedrol!

Safe travels Lloyd, sweet dreams Emeraude, thinking of you in your hotel Mom hoping work/travels are going as well as they can. will try and come back to this a little later tonight…

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