Posts Tagged ‘treatment’

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Video post – May 1st 09

Had some spare time @ the hospital earlier and took advantage of it to make this video… [Read more]

Good Sunday to You!

I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]

another day

this excruciating, dibilatating pain in my bones like I have rods being shoved up my legs, arms, my hands and feet being a pile of broken bones that if I could somehow keep in one piece I would get some break from it... I know that there are answers to me having [Read more]

Long day… April 15th

Long day… April 15th

When I finally got called in Mrs. Ormston had completely won Emeraude over ...and she (E) had no interest in accompanying me lol. Mrs. Ormston said she didn't mind her staying with her to play and I knew this was sincere and that she was in great hands so let Emeraude stay with her having fun... [Read more]

Wednesday – too close to Friday lol

Wednesday – too close to Friday lol

This week seems to be flying by faster than I can process. I promised the EDC photos that I have not even had a chance to look through yet *eesh*, Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dave (from the EDC) to work on my cover letter for Second Story Press and I had hoped to be much [Read more]

MS – Headache Connection

MS – Headache Connection

MS/Migraine Connection from Reader’s Digest – Click for PDF. Gotta love this… I have suffered from dibilitating head pressures (not regularly) which only occured since my MS Diagnosis. I insisted to doctors that these were NOT IVIg but connected to my menstrual cycle & MS and [Read more]

progress 03.31.09

Another day hospital free 🙂 and still feeling fairly good (a little tired but none of the fatigue I dealt with before the solumedrol treatment.  Still working at controling my appetite and I do feel like I may be making some ground (very minimal but some). I delivered the letter requesting a [Read more]

more pinating…

more pinating…

and then POW!! right out of the blue as Emeraude & I were making snack this morning the  balloon in the pinata pops! only problem is that we hadn’t yet gone high enough up the balloon so we put  a new one in and blew it up again until it filled out the shell of [Read more]



Ok, so… haven’t done very well so far with self-control and efforts I should be making to maintain the weight I’m now at. Friday I couldn’t resist the strawberries & chocolate, last night there was cake mix & salsa w/burger (don’t even like salsa usually it [Read more]



Well, my treatment was definitely successful…I’ve been scared too say that, scared to jinx it, scared that I might be wrong and have it fade after just a day or two but it would seem that I am free – for now. Last night I even went in for a shot of Dilaudid, partly worried [Read more]

MS Treatment – Solumedrol Day 5

MS Treatment – Solumedrol Day 5

Last night… Thought we’d go in at a decent time tonight as I have messed up Lloyd & Emeraude’s evenings/bedtimes during this whole treatment. Lloyd has badminton and so Emeraude came with me to MGH and I hoped to get her some supper at the cafeteria between IM Toredol and the [Read more]

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

MS Treatment – 03.21.09

After 2 hours of arguing with Dr.Crawford about increasing my pain meds, the discussion turned to Tuesday’s (tomorrow) appointment and that I was hoping to suggest giving my IV Solumedrol treatments again (they failed in January but that was a full 3 months ago and my body might have lost [Read more]

MS Treatment. Solumedrol Day 2

MS Treatment. Solumedrol Day 2

I was relieved to see Bonnie was attending when I went in this evening. The IV that had been put in last night (anticubital by my request) looked awful, the butterfly sides not having been taped had gouged into my arm (read yesterdays…) and so I asked her if she could put in a new [Read more]

MS Frustrations – 03.21.09

It was only a matter of time apparently before Dr.Crawford would be influenced by others at the hospital in this  ridiculous idea that I should only be allowed pain relief for certain amounts of time and then it’s just too bad so sad, deal with it.  Or at lest that is the only thing I can [Read more]

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