Wednesday – too close to Friday lol

This week seems to be flying by faster than I can process. I promised the EDC photos that I have not even had a chance to look through yet *eesh*,

Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dave (from the EDC) to work on my cover letter for Second Story Press and I had hoped to be much farther along with it before meeting with them but can’t postpone the meeting as he is out next week and I hope to be sending my manuscript and collection proposal to them by then.

I was terribly fatigued today and am becoming concerned that the steroids may be near having run their course. I have a feeling I there may be issues with Dr. Crawford in regards to my next treatment (this would be incredibly dissapointing on many levels) and continue to pray that this is not the case. I very much hope/pray that I can be healthy through Easter weekend.

Emeraude’s father that he has decided to prioritize yet another  hockey tournament (he has yet to explain this to her). Personally I much prefer keeping our special occasions about family but make every effort to include him for Emeraude’s.


Needless to say I had very much hoped to fufill Emeraude’s wish of another Easter at Macutagen come true and was relieved when my health seemed to be holding out (until today but still good enough I think) and Lloyd was clearly commited to doing what he could to make it happen… *sigh* he  worked hard (started packing the trail over the march break) to prepare and plan for us to be at Macutagen for Easter but unfortunately the weather has not cooperated and we don’t think we’ll be making it out.

Friday Emeraude is invited to a friend’s birthday which will do wonders towards distracting from us not being in the bush. We saw him Tuesday morning at Family Place drop-in and he was quite excited about having received a new bike for his bday so we decided to get him accessories for this for his gift. Great idea, Bike’s ‘n Stuff (Louis shop) had tons of well priced bike accessories (starting at $2 for a bell) unfortunately we got a little carried away (thank goodness nothing is overpriced in his shop, we just bought one or two more items than we should have) but she was really stoked about what we found so it’s all good. Having crossed that off our list also means that if we manage to get going to the camp, we can always bring him his gift early. Tomorrow I need to assist Emeraude (I’ll probably be designated as supply collector & clean up lol) in making a card tomorrow and wrapping the gifts but that’s just fun anyhow.

Didn’t get a chance to check the mail today but I did check phone numbers that called and so far no update from Owen, the fire chief (he already gave a thumbs up, we’re just waiting to plan that visit) or Jen, the post master (hoping yesterday was successful with her sharing our request letter with her superior),  or Karin, the doctor (waiting to hear from her regarding our visit request letter). I am focusing on the old adage ‘no news is good news’ and will leave it at that for now.

Emeraude & I are volunteering at Lloyd’s school tomorrow. There is an Easter Egg hunt and Fundraising BBQ for which we will be cashiers. Emeraude was thrilled at the idea and I’m very much looking forward to it as well. Grateful to have a volunteering position that doesn’ t require anything other than my attendance.

Speaking of volunteering I have yet to look over the group photos from the skating carnival this past weekend. I don’t really feel committed to having it at the top of my to-do list after not being able to get any visibility for my business (I had expected to) so am not stressing over that yet lol.

On a lighter note our gardening is coming along well. I will take some update photos tomorrow. Emeraude is having a lot of fun with it and enjoys watering them daily and watching their growth.

Lloyd was a sweetheart today. As I mentioned, fatigue got the better of me, Emeraude has been sick as well and although she didn’t fall asleep until later in the afternoon (for her nap) she did rest until almost 17h which allowed me to sleep as well. Lloyd had put fish & chips in the oven around 15h before going to relax a bit in fron of the television. Around 16h30  he  took advantage of the 2 ladies napping to get the table set, a ceasar salad made and supper on the table before waking Emeraude (I was happy that I woke up when I heard them despite their efforts to be very quiet) and then we all sat for supper (thanks Lloyd – you saved me!). He had 3 hours of badminton practice tonight (participating in junior & senior practices) wanting to prepare for NSSSAA badminton in Geraldton where he & Matt are competing in doubles (CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!).

When Lloyd left for practice, Emeraude & I decided to play a boardgame



which came with the Easter decorating kit I had bought for her to do at her Dad’s last Friday (he didn’t bother, I had even bought plastic eggs in case he didn’t have real ones so I’m not sure why he passed especially in light of his ‘tournament’ this weekend which meant that had been his opportunity to do some Easter preparation with her) it was a ton of fun. We then decided to empty and dye a dozen eggs which was really really fun (and messy, my hands are going to be dyed for days lol.

8919-01_01_2000We melted parafin was to drip on the eggs. Once it cooled a bit, Emeraude used a shishkabob (spelling?) stick to ‘draw’ the wax on to a few eggs also. I can’t wait to wipe them off tomorrow and stick a few in a 2nd or 3rd dye… She was impressed with them already so re-dyeing them will really toot her horn!

anyhow, that’s my rant for the night. I’m exhausted and need to get to bed as tomorrow is a very busy day. Prayers appreciated. Travel safely if you are going anywhere this long weekend!


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