MS Treatment. Solumedrol Day 2

I was relieved to see Bonnie was attending when I went in this evening. The IV that had been put in last night (anticubital by my request) looked awful, the butterfly sides not having been taped had gouged into my arm (read yesterdays…) and so I asked her if she could put in a new one.

Bonnie has a way of sharing stories about her dog, her life, makes you feel like a friend instead of a chore which is nice. Time went by fast, thankfully as I was exhausted. When I was done she did put in a new shunt that looks good and should last no problem through Day 5. (1st try, wow! my veins are not helpful so that was pretty cool).

Kiwissa Ski Centre Chalet 2009

Kiwissa Ski Centre Chalet 2009

Went in to MGH for less pain meds today. I didn’t do anything this morning (thanks Lloyd and Emeraude) as I had struck a deal with Dr.Crawford regarding waiting until lunch for my 1st injection of Dilaudid if it was increased to 8mg so that I could spend the afternoon at Kiwissa with the kids (downhill skiing). Took IM of Toredol as well since my knees felt like they were setting in cement. It was worth giving up my morning (although church would’ve been nice) as the afternoon was wonderful! Click here for that post. Emeraude was happy that her Dad made it out to watch. He didn’t bother with skis but did pull her up the beginners hill holding her hand as he walked/jogged back down with her which she really enjoyed alot.  Meanwhile, I actually got to ski down a hill with Lloyd for the 1st time in 3 years which was a nice treat :). It was really weird to ski without my girl though, I felt right off balance lol (lucky I didn’t break my neck). I also took the opportunity to get some photos of Lloyd & friends riding/jumping the rails/ramps/benches as well as some of the employees and volunteers at the hill that I had wanted to get photos of (none of the Ski Patrol though so I am hoping it might be open one more time yet). ANYWAYS, afterwards I did need to go back to MGH for pain meds (YOUCH! those bones & muscles!) and our skiing was quite mellow (thanks Emeraude) as my girl was happy playing in the snow for much of the time (again, details here – same post as above link…)

I am feeling like my body is reacting to the Solumedrol more so than in January when it was unsuccessful.  More like when I used to receive my treatments. I am flushed, red-swollen faced… I see this as positive as the Jan treatment seemed to not even faze me and then of course it did nothing positive for my symptoms so this change must certainly be a good one.

Prayers welcome!

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