Posts Tagged ‘ms pain’

Artiste & Living with MS

Artiste & Living with MS

  Je ne suis pas en très bonne forme ces jours-ci, v’la une couple de semaine j’ai réaliser que mes médicaments ne faisait plus effets; cela est normal avec des opioïdes, ton corps s’habitue et il faut re-ajuster). Je suis allé à l’urgence – c’est là que [Read more]

Acupuncture appointment…

Acupuncture appointment…

To say I was dissapointed would be such an understatement… Thursday (day before the appointment) I spoke with the acupuncturist, to talk to her about the possibility of me being late. I explained to her that since I am not on a schedule (my doctor refuses to order my pain meds as being [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

Sunday May 17.09 Playground

We went to the playground behind Graham (street) tonight and had a blast. We laughed too hard, played shark (some of that in the photos), boating, loved every minute of the silliness! Both the kids were so much fun. We went to the Petro after and bought gummy bear twisters (Lloyd & Emeraude) [Read more]

Yet another free ride…

Couldn’t wait to post my update on MS happenings for the week after this morning I received yet another free ride from yet another new driver… As Vickie, who became my angel in past weeks driving me constantly, not only to the hospital here in town 3 and 4 times a day but even to [Read more]

Youth Soccer Program

Youth Soccer Program

Emeraude’s first soccer games this week were a success J. She took part in her very first organized, team sport Tuesday & Thursday as a member of Team Canada in the Primary League. Each spring, the Township of Manitouwadge Leisure Services Department offers a Youth Soccer Program to kids from [Read more]



Sometimes, by the end of the day, the times for my injections can become quite inconvenient for both Vickie, who was driving me on this day, and the kids… Emeraude’s bedtime is 19h30 and Lloyd had plans for skateboarding and checking spring clean up piles with friends.  I am still so [Read more]

Terry Fox Monument, Hwy 17

Terry Fox Monument, Hwy 17

Photos by Vickie Veitch-Rusard  (Thank you so much Vickie, for everything!) Terry Fox Foundation Highway 17 information Thunder Bay, Ontario [Read more]

Hotel Fun

Hotel Fun

Once I was in, although it hurt at first (very painful pins and needles, much more pronouced and sharper then the kind of pins & needles you might feel when your foot falls asleep) and my skin felt very uncomfortable, the heat went deep to make the pain back off somewhat or as they describe it in [Read more]

We’re back…

We’re back…

Lloyd & I had appointments with Rafeal, Lloyd’s regular hairdresser @ Trendz Salon. This could’ve become really complicated but again [Read more]

Homeschool – foodbank

Homeschool – foodbank

We had a alot of fun, deciding to make a 2nd batch with some variations. She loves to lick the sticky-gewy spoon and both of us were covered with milk chocolate after making our 2nd batch [Read more]

Good Sunday to You!

I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]

much too late…

I am realizing that it is going to be incredibly difficult to not only wake up tomorrow but also attend my a.m. doctor’s appointment in any kind of participatory way. I am struggling to peice together the pages of notes and changes that Dave (EDC) and I made to my cover letter as I am [Read more]

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