Posts Tagged ‘skateboard’

Think Spring/Summer Safety

Think Spring/Summer Safety

With May here we all tend to say goodbye to winter and welcome summer and the activities that come with those warm sunny days. Activities may include boating, riding our quads, bicycles, roller blades, swimming and a variety of water sports. No matter what the activity take time to ensure you are [Read more]

Skate4Cancer Weekly Video Post

Skate4Cancer Weekly Video Post

For those of you who don’t know of Rob Dyer, you should… He is incredibly inspiratonal. After loosing his Mom to cancer as a teen he became inspired and began skateboarding across countries, travelling the world bringing the message of cancer awareness and even came by our neck of the [Read more]

Rob Dyer, Skate4Cancer update

Well, Rob’s still at it, on the other side of the globe spreading his message that “Knowledge is the Cure” to cancer.  Here is his video update for this week, keep it up Rob, you are incredible!    If you are not familiar with Rob Dyer, visit or [Read more]



In 2008,  Rob Dyer skated by the corner of Hwy 614 and Hwy 17, during his cross Canada adventure raising awareness for cancer.  I didn’t know at that time, just how special Rob was. It was clear that he was a very friendly, personable man as I tried to touch base with him hoping to [Read more]

Lloyd’s birthday

Lloyd’s birthday

was Friday, the 18th. Gift from Mom & Emeraude Saturday the 19th. Cake with family Sunday the 20th…A volleyball trip that was cancelled in the end anyways + my working in Wawa at the beginning of the week really confused my poor guy’s special day. But in the end it all worked out [Read more]

my skateboarder

my skateboarder

Driving down the road and couldn’t resist a couple photos of Lloyd as we went passed. [Read more]



Just a couple photos I like from today.  Lloyd finished the new paint job on his old board {now to be his ‘new’ board as the other one broke in half so this one will inherit the trucks/wheels to become new again.} Emeraude taking the ‘paper’ we made yesterday recycling [Read more]

Sk8tr Girl

Sk8tr Girl

proud memories of being a little girl and my Dad coming home from work sweeping our street so that I could roller skate - without getting tripped up by rocks. [Read more]

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

The boys were playing around on their skateboards in the driveway the other night and I couldn’t resist getting some photos, they are such great sports, always ready to strike a pose for me or re-take a jump lol. The photo could come in handy when we are able to get to work on getting a [Read more]

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