Posts Tagged ‘team’

Soccer practice

Long day… I am very dissapointed and concerned that I am still dealing with fatiuge, pain and other symptoms although my solumedrol treatment is done. I did not go to the hospital yet today although this is not from lack of pain but rather because the doctor prescribed new oral pain meds that [Read more]

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

...leave it behind in his locker to rot not wanting to stand out or being embarrassed (I was never on many sports teams but my freinds and I always loved extra food, as I mentioned so have his friends when I've done stuff, so I don't really understand his view on this but still try to respect it [Read more]

Second Story Press | A Toronto Publisher

Second Story Press | A Toronto Publisher

Second Story Press | A Toronto Publisher. The publishing house to which I am submitting our Emeraude Exploring collection… This is SO stressful as proposals are not my forte and I cannot wait until the part where we have been picked up by a publisher and are just working with deadlines for [Read more]

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