Soccer practice

Long day… I am very dissapointed and concerned that I am still dealing with fatiuge, pain and other symptoms although my solumedrol treatment is done. I did not go to the hospital yet today although this is not from lack of pain but rather because the doctor prescribed new oral pain meds that he seemed quite confident about and I wanted to really give them a sincere try and chance to work.

ANYWAYS, Emeraude gave me a great show tonight before coming in to bed, she wanted to practice her soccer skills (getting excited for youth soccer soon) and I loved every minute of it. I can’t believe how well she runs & kicks the ball, so much so that I even gave her the challenge of trying to begin kicking with the inside of her foot as opposed to her toe (as her coaches will probably be encouraging her to do when she starts on her team) to help keep it interesting for her. Way to go Emeraude! Maman est tellement fière de toi!!! xo

The 1st video is her ‘introduction’ and the 2nd kicking the soccer ball around, Enjoy!

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