Living with MS 03.16.09

Just another trip to MGH for pain meds. Emeraude was with me and couldn’t resist the puddles along the sidewalk outside. Still going 3-4 times/day for Dilaudid injections which really limits my ability to live like a normal person but I am grateful that I have Dr.Crawford on my side during these difficult months (can’t imagine what life would be like if I couldn’t at least get the pain meds to allow me some semblance of normality… without them I am unable to even walk more than a half dozen steps and of course fatigue is always worse when I’m dealing with too much pain).

My kids have such a talent for making these necessary trips to the ER seem like no big deal and making the best of every situation. Thanks Emeraude for splashing around and making the sun seem that much brighter xo I couldn’t believe the next day (yesterday) when speaking to her Dad about plans to play at lunch she asked if they could go to the hospital cafeteria for lunch. Kids are so interesting, I would have thought she wouldn’t want to be there one second more than absolutely necessary… I guess it’s a familiar place to her full of friendly people she knows.

I should add that when we were leaving the house, Emeraude took it upon herself to put her OWN BOOTS ON and did so without any trouble even thinking to tuck her pants in 🙂 good job big girl!

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