Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Cleaning day but the sun is shining out and Lloyd is running away to work at the children’s festival so what do we do? postpone until tomorrow? nope, have the first of three youth soccer photo days; tomorrow Primary & Seniors are tomorrow at 13h, which I am very much looking forward to.

In the past I handed out information / permission slips to the kids at one of their games and then returned to do the photos on a game night. This required ALOT of time, there are 4 leagues (145 children total) this year and so I would spend Mon-Thur of almost 2 weeks just getting the photos.

This year I decided that in the interest of time management (and management of the limited energy I have) the photos would be done on a designated day with the information being included in the coaches packages which the township sent out.

The coaches also had schedules to hand out to their teams so I had no concerns regarding anyone forgetting to give the sheets, I do worry a little however that some parents will be unwilling to bring their kids on a day when they aren’t playing. I hope also that those parents who choose not to purchase photos will understand that it is still important to have the kids out for the photo as I will be taking league photos for the township and it would be a shame to have any players absent.

ANYWAYS, tomorrow is the first day, typically as children get older, parents are less concerned with having photos of every activity they participate. I have however kept costs very low once again and hope that this will help.

So this afternoon I have to prepare my camera, decide if I will bother with the tripod, get my card table from Daniel so that my helper will have somewhere to sit & collect the information sheets / payments, borrow a cash box (hopefully from my sister-in-law, otherwise I will have to buy one), get change (should’ve done that yesterday morning at the bank but got caught up at the hospital and then took off to Marathon for my imaginary acupuncture) so am hoping the Rendez-Vous restaurant might be able to help me out.

Emeraude’s birthday is quickly approaching as well (may 29th but I intend to have her party the weekend after) and I have yet to plan her party, purchase/send invitations and am feeling pretty stressed out about it. Last year I had her party at the Lion’s beach and in spite of less than ideal temperatures, it was alot of fun. Emeraude has asked to do the same again this year.

Emeraude and Lloyd cleaning the garbage can?

Emeraude and Lloyd cleaning the garbage can?

Now Emeraude & I are off to the hospital for injection #2 for today, hopefully there will be no unexpected delays as I still need to take a shower before bringing her to the children’s festival (Lloyd’s working there which is neat). Have a great Saturday!

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