Posts Tagged ‘Youth Soccer Program’

Manitouwadge Youth Soccer Program

Manitouwadge Youth Soccer Program

More soccer fun… Emeraude has certainly come out of her shell at soccer. Last night was so great to watch, she not only ran with her team but actually kicked the ball and participated in the game on more than one occasion. During her short time as goalie she even made a save! I’m so [Read more]

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Cleaning day but the sun is shining out and Lloyd is running away to work at the children’s festival so what do we do? postpone until tomorrow? nope, have the first of three youth soccer photo days; tomorrow Primary & Seniors are tomorrow at 13h, which I am very much looking forward to. [Read more]

Egg Crafts

Egg Crafts

...did not think of it as Emeraude had started singing and had me enthralled lol (she makes up her own songs about whatever is going on at the time and I really just sit back and enjoy the performance - I never know what tune she might come up with or what the lyrics will be like so she has me on [Read more]

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