Hard working teens

I still can’t believe that both of these poor guys ended up with sunburns… Lloyd asked me for sunscreen about 1/2 through and I told him to put on a t-shirt, although I had been out to bring them water & watermelons I did not realize just how hot it was (and I thought they were in the shade). Lesson of the day, when a teen asks for precautionary measures – listen!

So, this dog pen has become progressively uglier as we have had to reinforce it. Our dog, Silver, seems to be quite the Houdini, able to squeeze through places I would never have thought possible. In an attempt to keep the pen looking as tidy and maintained as we can (ignoring what an eye sore it has truly become) Lloyd & friend Tyler (great kid who always seems available to help) put a coat of stain on the roof. They almost managed with the one can, we will need to get one more little one though as the front cedar planks we added to keep the dog in have yet to be done.

Thanks guys, great job!

2261 23_06_2009


2260 23_06_2009b

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