Will they skate another year?


Manitouwadge Figure Skating Club in danger

 by Karina Hunter

After the circulation of rumours at the end of last season regarding the possible discontinuation of the Manitouwadge Figure Skating Club (MFSC) and the absence of any club representatives at the Township’s Common Registration Night in September, parents of figure skaters held a meeting last week hoping to save the skating season.

My little skater last year. She is quite dissapointed that she won't be figure skating this year but I think she will enjoy hockey just as much.

My little skater last year. She is quite dissapointed that she won't be figure skating this year but I think she will enjoy hockey just as much.

Tuesday, October 13th, Marcia Newton past President of the Manitouwadge Figure Skating Club (MFSC), met with concerned parents to discuss the feasibility of a new executive being established to register the club with Skate Canada and get things underway for the 2009/10 season. Newton briefed those in attendance as to the current fiscal state of the club, elaborating on details of annually reoccurring expenses that would be incurred including fees for ice time, coaching, insurance for both skaters, helpers and executive and advised them as to what needed to take place in order for them to transfer club responsibilities to a new executive and get young skaters on the ice for another year.

Newton was asked to elucidate the significant stack of forms she brought, among these were registration forms for the potential executive needing to be submitted to Skate Canada and also Directors and Officers Liability insurance (often called D&O) forms which must be acquired before the club holds registration for skaters.  

Last year, Star Skate Coach Jill Woodall of Marathon advised the MFSC that she would no longer be coaching in Manitouwadge; fortunately local CanSkate Coach Kim Desaulniers was prepared to continue working for the club coaching CanSkate which include the programs referred to as “Advanced CanSkate” in Manitouwadge. The potential executive has decided to proceed with caution not wanting to promise a club without first establishing that there are sufficient numbers of skaters interested in registration for the 2009/10 season and sent a letter home with elementary school students encouraging parents to make their interest known to Lori Olivera by Tuesday October 19th.  Keep reading The Echo to be appraised of any changes released to the public.

The MFSC after their performance of High School Musical on Ice with coaches Jill Woodall (far left) and Kim Desaulniers (far right)

The MFSC after their performance of High School Musical on Ice with coaches Jill Woodall (far left) and Kim Desaulniers (far right)

 Submitted to The Echo and the Chronicle Journal 10.17.09

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