We’re Crowing

Wilson's Warbler

The beautiful, and very cute, Wilson's Warbler

Dorion’s Canyon Country Birding Festival committee is happy with the progress of this year’s Festival on May 15 & 16.

Our earlybird deadline has come and gone (March 31), and we are very pleased with the response!   We have some new participants, and many returning ones this year for both days. Now we eagerly await the registrations that we will receive during April. Still lots of room for more!  Please visit our site, www.dorionbirdfest.ca for registration forms, or to register on line with PayPal.   You can also contact us by calling Ed at 807-857-2265.

The month of April will be a very busy one for the Festival Committee. We are very grateful to have been successful applicants to the Superior North CFDC LIC Grant (Local Initiative Contribution). With this funding, we are able to purchase signage, banners and supplies that will contribute so much to our festival. Our buses will be adorned with 15′ banners, our hall with roll-up banners and shiny new easels to hold information.

Ed Chambers and myself were fortunate enough to be invited to the Nipigon Rotary’s meeting on March 31st.
We presented our Festival to them through photos, promotional materials and a question and answer session.
The Rotary members were very interested in our Festival, and there were indications that they would certainly spread the word to friends and relatives. Thanks from Ed and I, for the delicious lunch, and the chance to be introduced to you. We hope to go back next year!

Spring, in birding circles, has certainly begun, and we are very excited! Species of birds that have wintered as far away as Venezuela, are returning to Northwestern Ontario, and the binoculars and cameras are ready.
Sandhill Cranes, ducks, robins, etc are being spotted in area locations. This is always a thrill for birders after a winter of feeding the “regulars”.

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