Keeping the FUN in Fitness

*PLEASE NOTE: Prior to beginning any new diet or excercise regimen please speak with your family physician.

Fun with Fitness

Amanda Lynn Mayhew-Hare, Personal Fitness Coach and Model

Keep it FUN!  People don’t always want to hear “Join for $20 a month”, or “”FREE gym-bag with membership”, or “Friends enjoy 1 FREE week”.  I am a Fytness Fanatik, and some of those don’t even grab MY attention.  As long as you are staying active and not wanting to enter a bodybuilding competition any time soon, you are doing great with just having fun!  A friend of mine lost 85lbs by just following my Daily Disciplines and outlook on life.  By just supplementing a few things you KNOW you can live without, can make a big deal with your body’s outcome in just a few short weeks.

She made it fun and easy to lose 85 pounds, because she knows and believes that TRUE BEAUTY is on the inside. Having been overweight in the past and having been very self-conscience about it, Amanda Lynn helped break me free and to see there is nothing that cannot be accomplished with a little hard work, determination and an inspiration.-Sarah Patmore, February 2011

Begin a fitness challenge with your office colleagues or friends.  Keep it easy, keep it do-able.  Once that deadline has passed, start another and so on and so on.  With these weekly or monthly challenges you have the people with you who WANT to participate, who are SEEING results, continue on that path, and trust me, the more silly the challenge is, the more FUN you will have, the more people will talk about it and the more participation will happen.  For example, I created ANYTIME/ANYWHERE to show that you can perform exercises, anytime, anywhere.  What an incredible hit this has been, we are going on 4 years of the success of this campaign and an album full of photos.  We do a campaign showing push ups in different work places, while grocery shopping, in clubs, and, well, anywhere.  Fytness Fanatik just began a new contest with this in mind; Show us your most original Push Up – Anytime/Anywhere photo and win a Fytness Fanatik Prize Package!  You can find more information about this online at

Until next time,

Amanda Lynn Mayhew-Hare, Fytness Fanatik


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