Canada Day Celebrations in Terrace Bay

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TERRACE BAY, ON –  Although the weather didn’t cooperate for the nighttime activities, Canada Day afternoon was a great time for all ages. The day began with a welcome address from Mayor Michael King and singing of O’Canada. The winners for the wagon and bicycle contest were chosen as well as the winners of the Terrace Bay Picture Challenge, Mount Neverrest and the Fish Derby. Visitors were treated to the incredible talents of the staff from Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo. The Reptile Zoo travelled all the way from their home in Ottawa to wow the crowd with a unique combination of live exhibits and those of existing and prehistoric animals with their museum grade bones.

Special thanks to our sponsors Dr. Annabella Zawada, USW Local #665, Stewart Guardian Pharmacy, and the Imperial Motel. As well as the incredible Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo for coming to visit us!
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