Manitouwadge Going to the Dogs?

The baseball field from the end of the road which leads there. Photo

MANITOUWADGE, ON – At a council meeting recently, Community Services Director Dave Raymond discussed with Council the possibility of establishing a dog park in Manitouwadge.  Raymond pointed out that people have been using the old baseball field, across from the High School & Friends’ Bakery for some time, as a place to let their dogs run and play with other dogs, without risk of landing on personal property or interfeering with other activities. (There have been issues in the past when people would run their dogs at the Community Track which has clear signage posted to notify people that dogs are NOT allowed).

The old baseball diamond has become overgrown with grasses in past years and the drive up to it isn’t ideal with the road clearly having been affected from lack of use and maintenance but Raymond seemed confident that these could be rectified without too much expense being incurred.  There are portions of the fence which are damaged and in need of repair as well but again, these seem like problems that could be easily fixed.  As of now, this area has yet to be officially designated and so dog owners are using it at their own risk and are reminded that anywhere they bring their dogs within the municipality it is important to be sure nothing is being left behind (poop & scoop) and that your dogs are always in control (dogs are by law, required to be on leash within the Municipality of Manitouwadge) be sure to keep reading for updates to the Manitouwadge Dog Park.

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