Nipigon Beginning Branding and Community Signage Program – 2012

NIPIGON, ON –  The Township of Nipigon is launching a branding & signage program that will re-define the town in response to the changing economic and social needs of the community. Nipigon’s branding & signage steering committee is working together with Firedog Communications and branding and signage coordinator Dave Koski, R.G.D. on creating a brand image of what it is that makes Nipigon unique and attractive, to its community members, to new residents, visitors and potential new businesses. Basically, to define the “Nipigon Experience.”

The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities funded a year-long Community Adjustment (CAC) project in Nipigon, headed by Danielle Thompson, Project Coordinator, with Collete Shwetz and Tasha Sutton as administrative assistants. With a strong committee from all walks of life in Nipigon, they set to work choosing priority projects. The Branding and Signage Project is one of those projects, and CAC worked for a year to secure funding for its implementation. The Branding portion of the Project is being funded by the Rural Economic Development Program, offered by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The Superior North Community Futures Development Corporation is also a partner in the project

What is Place Branding?

Place branding is the process of image communication to a target market. At its heart is the notion that places compete with other places for people, resources, and business. Examples of place brands include Amsterdam‘s “Iamsterdam”, Las Vegas‘s “Sin City”, Paris‘ “Illuminated City”, and Silicon Valley‘s “tech capital.”

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