Movember Fundraising at Holy Angels School

Holy Angels Student Council with Mrs Visintin and her movember stache! Photo HAS

SCHREIBER, ON – For the month of November, Holy Angels Students’ Council held events to help raise funds for Movember. Students’ Council challenged Mrs. Visintin that if council raised $150, then Mrs. Visintin would have to wear a moustache on Friday, November 30.

In order to reach their goal, Students’ Council sold moustache erasers, and they also hosted a “buy-a-moustache” day, where students could pay $1.00 in exchange for a drawn on moustache.

By November 30, Holy Angels surpassed their goal, with a total of $209 being donated! Thank you Mr. Fenton for inspiring Holy Angels to help raise funds for men’s health. And thank you Mrs. Visintin for being such a great sport!

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