Development Analyst Returns To Manitouwadge Continuing Economic Development Studies

Senior Analyst Sarah Lewis speaks with local restaurantaur Shamm Jacobson during her most recent visit to Manitouwadge. Photo

Needs and Gaps Analysis and Marketing Study to Identify Opportunities in Manitouwadge

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Tuesday, January  22 and Wednesday, Jan 23 Senior Development Analyst Sarah Lewis from Millier Dickinson Blais Inc. returned to Manitouwadge to continue gathering information for a pair of economic development studies commissioned by the Township.

Lewis said that in reviewing the Manitouwadge Economic Development Corporation and Township of Manitouwadge’s definitions of economic development and their strategic directions, each group seemed to have a good grasp of the roles they should each have in the economic development of the community.

While on her first two day visit several weeks prior, Lewis had held focus groups with businesses and township staff as well as a public information session presenting details of what the Needs and Gaps Analysis and Marketing Study would involve and also identifying for the community how these studies would support investment attraction and business expansion in Manitouwadge.

In the printed materials Lewis shared, Millier Dickinson Blais Inc. outlined how the studies would help support investment attraction and business expansion in Manitouwadge by prioritizing growth sectors and current opportunities, providing sector intelligence, analyzing barriers to investment, generating leads, and recommending next steps to securing investments, creating employment and building a more sustainable community. Attendees of the public focus group, as well as township staff and members of the business community were asked what they enjoyed about working and living in Manitouwadge and what was their vision for the future of the community in terms of business development. In this, her second visit Lewis was meeting again with township staff and additional businesses in the community, following-up on information gathered and continuing to examine key factors.

Though studies were still in progress, Lewis did share some findings pointing out that among the sectors in which business development might continue were Mining and Forestry  “These are likely no surprise to anyone but it is important to note that there are changes to be made to making the most of these and the potential within those sectors for value-added products and value chain opportunities.” said Lewis.

Included in the services being provided to the township by Millier Dickinson Blais, is a follow-up visit after the studies have been completed and oppotunities have been presented to the township. Lewis explained the company was including the follow-up to ensure that the Township had a solid plan in place regarding how they would interpret the information provided in the studies and put it to use moving forward.


  • For more information contact Karen Robinson, Economic Development Assistant, 826-3227
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