Rubber Duck Hockey participants practice shooting accuracy aiming at Lego heads. Photo by Nickie Chik

After skating through obstacles provided by organizers, he shoots - he scores! Photos by Nickie Chik

MANITOUWADGE, ON – February 8th many families were thrilled to once again attend Rubber Duck Hockey at the Rec Centre Arena.  Initiated in December by Nicki Hogan-Chic and Keri French-Jackson, the parent accompanied skate is open to young skaters looking to learn or practice their stick handling and skating skills.  Nets, tennis balls, rubber ducks and other equipment is provided while kids bring their own skates, helmet, stick and a parent or guardian to accompany them on the ice for an hour of non-competitive fun.

When it was brought to her attention that participants had been disappointed to see RDH replaced, on the arena schedule, by Public Skating in January, Director of Community Services Paula McCloskey promptly evaluated the situation approving its return Fridays from 5:45-6:45pm though  still with the $7  fee  in spite of parents accompanying their kids on the ice.  It is unclear whether perhaps community services has intentions to use fees collected to purchase or maintain equipment for the RDH program. When originally asked about the cost (Jan.25th) Director Paula McCloskey said she would be looking into it yet since then fees for RDH have remained unchanged though fees have been removed from Public Supervised Skating (originally $3/skater, now free).


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