Posts Tagged ‘Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing’

“Messing with definitions doesn’t create more local food” says MP Carol Hughes

“Messing with definitions doesn’t create more local food” says MP Carol Hughes

More and more people want to be able to eat locally produced food.   Whether the motivation is political or merely based on a desire to support local producers and get fresh food, the idea of eating locally is on an upward trajectory. Recently, the Manitoulin Island Community Abattoir (MICA) [Read more]

“Les comptes à recevoir n’ont guère d’importance aux yeux du gouvernement actuel” dit Hughes

“Les comptes à recevoir n’ont guère d’importance aux yeux du gouvernement actuel” dit Hughes

Quiconque est en affaire sait pertinemment qu’une entreprise qui ne rapporte pas ne risque pas de durer très longtemps. Cette réalité cruciale semble échapper aux conservateurs puisque, sous leur gouverne, le montant des impôts non recouvrés n’a pas cessé de grimper. Cette façon de [Read more]

“Accounts receivable are not very important to this government” says Hughes

“Accounts receivable are not very important to this government” says Hughes

Anyone in business knows that when money doesn’t come in the venture won’t last long.  This critical point seems to escape the minds of Conservatives who have allowed uncollected tax to balloon under their watch.  It is hurting Canada and punishing those who play by the rules. Since the [Read more]

Carol Hughes parle de la culture du « tout m’est dû »

Carol Hughes parle de la culture du « tout m’est dû »

Même les amis bien nantis ne parviennent pas à faire disparaître la culture du « tout m’est dû ». « Nous devons éliminer la corruption et démolir le mur du silence qui lui permet de s’implanter. Il faut absolument remplacer la culture du “tout m’est dû” par la culture [Read more]

“Even friends with deep pockets can’t remove the stink of entitlement” Says Hughes

“Even friends with deep pockets can’t remove the stink of entitlement” Says Hughes

“We must clean up corruption and lift the veils of secrecy that allow it to flourish.  We must do nothing less than replace the culture of entitlement with the culture of accountability.” That was Stephen Harper’s opinion only one year before he became Prime Minister.  Much has changed [Read more]

“Catch phrases can catch up with you” MP Carol Hughes

“Catch phrases can catch up with you” MP Carol Hughes

The Auditor General gave the Conservative government a $3.1 billion dollar black eye this week when he revealed that amount of money is missing in action from Canada’s anti-terrorism efforts. Stephen Harper says this is just ‘an issue of lack of clarity,’ but for a party that rode into Ottawa [Read more]



ELLIOT LAKE, ON – The oil spill near White River is raising anxiety for people in the area who are questioning the validity of the information they are receiving, according to Carol Hughes. The MP for Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing commented on the spill that occurred when 22 cars derailed about [Read more]

“Sans connexion, les promesses de l’Internet sonnent faux” dit la Députée Hughes

“Sans connexion, les promesses de l’Internet sonnent faux” dit la Députée Hughes

La semaine dernière, j’ai  rencontré des électeurs du nord-ouest de la circonscription d’Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing. L’absence d’un accès à Internet digne de ce nom a été un thème soulevé constamment dans de trop nombreuses localités de la circonscription. Pour les [Read more]

“The promise of the internet rings hollow without a connection” Says Hughes

“The promise of the internet rings hollow without a connection” Says Hughes

Recently, I spent time meeting with constituents in the Northwest corner of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing.  A constant theme in too many locations throughout the constituency is the lack of reasonable internet access.   For businesses, students, and individuals the high-speed internet gap is [Read more]

Carol en Contemplation: le Sénat

Carol en Contemplation: le Sénat

Laissez-les faire : les sénateurs nous montrent très bien pourquoi nous n’avons pas besoin d’eux La récente enquête sur les allocations de logement douteuses des sénateurs a placé la Chambre rouge sous les feux de la rampe, poussant les Canadiens à se questionner sur l’utilité de [Read more]

HUGHES ON HEADLINES: Is the Canadian Senate Necessary?

HUGHES ON HEADLINES: Is the Canadian Senate Necessary?

Give’em enough rope: Senators doing a great job of showing why we don’t need the place The recent investigation into questionable housing allowance claims for Senators has put the Red Chamber under a spotlight that leaves many Canadians wondering how useful the institution really is.  One [Read more]

It’s time to stand up for family farms says Hughes

It’s time to stand up for family farms says Hughes

Just like the corner store or local diner, the family farm is disappearing from Canada at a rapid pace.  Since 2007 Canada has lost over 22,000 family farms as the trend toward corporate agriculture picks up steam.  While this may seem like an inevitable conclusion, we should seriously consider [Read more]

HUGHES: Le tollé contre les projets de loi d’application du budget est attribuable à une liste de souhaits de l’industrie

HUGHES: Le tollé contre les projets de loi d’application du budget est attribuable à une liste de souhaits de l’industrie

Une demande d’accès à l’information présentée par Greenpeace a permis de prendre connaissance d’une lettre de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière adressée aux ministres de l’Environnement et des Ressources naturelles en décembre 2011 qui fait comprendre d’où vient une grande [Read more]

Backlash against budget bills has roots in industry wish list

Backlash against budget bills has roots in industry wish list

An access to information request filed by Greenpeace turned up a letter sent by the oil and gas industry to the Ministers of the Environment and Natural Resources in December of 2011 that helps explain much of the contentious content in the budget bills C-38, and C-45.  The letter laid out [Read more]

“Accountability completely off the radar with tainted beef memo” says Hughes

“Accountability completely off the radar with tainted beef memo” says Hughes

Revelations that Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspectors were instructed to allow contaminated carcasses to be processed in the now infamous XL Foods plant in southern Alberta confirm the worst suspicions of those who believe the agency is receiving direction that flies in the face of actual [Read more]

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