Will YOU Choose Marathon Summerfest 2011’s LOGO?

MARATHON, ON – Summerfest organization is in full swing; part of this year’s new look includes a new logo and website to help attract new participants and out-of-town friends and to give people an idea of what Marathon Summerfest (MS11) is all about with just one look – the fun, friendship, festival of it all.

Summerfest Secretary Jackie Clance, assisting Ashley Reindeau the executive in charge of media relations and promotions for Marathon Summerfest 2011, has posted 6 logo options on the group’s facebook page (click here to visit), members of the facebook group (membership is free and open to the public) will swing the vote by ‘like’ing the image they prefer; these will then be tallied by Clance who will present the information at this week’s MS11 Executive meeting and a final decision will be made.

The choices are:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6

In my opinion the only negative about Options 5 & 6 is that they do not have the alternate, more simple version as do the more modern and graphic options of 1-4, this could be problematic when advertising and creating promotional materials in the future (like the great new waterless tatoos many festivals and events use, or stickers and decals). 

In any case these are all attractive images and the executive has a big challenged no doubt, help them out by noting your favourite on their facebook page (and share your opinion below).  Get to the Facebook page and ‘like’ one of these logos to have your opinion heard, even better, share them with your facebook friends and encourage them to vote as well, it would be great to see voting numbers in the hundreds to say thank you to the MS11 committee for their ongoing efforts and willingness to hear the community’s opinion.  As organizer Andre Paris has emphasized “This is a community event, not just a one team show” but for that to be true, the community must participate when invited to do so.

Remember when making your choice that these logos will be used not only on the website but also for all promotional materials and on clothing the group plans to have available for the public and so the chosen logo must be one that will inspire people to travel to Marathon and enjoy the fun, that will represent the fun and friendship that makes summerfest such a special event.

Go to the Marathon Summerfest Facebook Group and CAST YOUR VOTE now!


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